What is Success? – December 2024
Recently one afternoon, an elderly lady was brought in by her family. She had a dangerously low oxygen level caused by infection in her lungs. As the staff worked to stabilize her, I stood by the bed and kept the oxygen mask on her nose since in her semiconscious state she was trying to remove it…
Loneliness, Growth & Opportunities – September 2024
My first 6 weeks here in Guatemala were ones of learning, change, and times of frustration and discomfort. How does one gracefully enter a place of different cultural norms, language, and way of life? There sure isn’t much room for pride in this situation. It is easy to enter a trance, like state of survival of being present but not engaged…
At age 8, Fredy started vomiting blood. After several days with no improvement, his parents took him to the government health center where they put him on oxygen and IV fluids and from there, drove him an hour away to the hospital by ambulance. After being there a few days, his situation stabilized, and he was finally diagnosed with…
A Day in the Life of a Tio – March 2024
In the morning, the boys help us Tios with chores and after breakfast we do various projects like vaccinating cattle, welding a new gate together, mixing feed, working in the carpenter shop, mowing grass, moving a portable fence to fresh grass for the diary cows, and various other jobs like that.
The Realities of our Broken World – Dec. 2023
What do you say to 13 yr. old moms, abused children, a father whose wife is dying, or to mothers that believe evil spirits made their child sick? How do you help the fathers who became discouraged and turn to alcohol & drugs because they can’t provide for their families? What do you do when people’s souls are more diseased then their bodies?
Exciting Project Completed – June 2023
The airplane! The airplane! I hear the airplane! Excited feet bounded out the door and down the steps to see what they had just begun to hear. Half finished plates of breakfast, and a grinning set of houseparents were all that was left at the table. Curiosity got the best of them, and soon they joined the group of thrilled boys and Tíos who gathered to watch the plane come in for the first time in months.
The boys program this year started with 5 boys, all from the same area, and mostly all related somehow. In fact, 3 of them are brothers…triplets! This is very unique to us, and we are excited to see what God will do in their lives! They are 10 years old, and full of life and energy.
“Without Warning, it Could be the Last” – Dec. 2022
My students became even more precious after the sudden death of a sweet first grader. As a school, we mourned this unexpected loss of a classmate & student. One days she was with us; the next afternoon – safe in the arms of the Master Teacher…
A Day of Work in the Clinic – June 2022
As I near the clinic, I can see how many people are sitting on the porch waiting. On a Monday morning there are likely 30 or more patients. I find it fascinating that people are willing to be here by 6am just so they can hopefully be the first in line to get a number, then sit for 2 hours waiting for the doors to open…
Committing the Day to Prayer – March 2022
I imagine that in many homes, students who were coming to school that day had gotten up early to be able to be in good time for their first day of classes. I arrived at school very early in the morning and thought I would be the first to arrive. To my surprise the lights in one classroom were already on…
One Year Since the Ranch Flooding – Dec. 2021
This year the river is high again, but we thank God it is much lower than this time last year! There were predictions out earlier this year of another above-average hurricane season again this year. We have had some of the effects, especially last week and continue to have a lot of rain this week…
16 Years at the Tree of Life School – Sept. 2021
We have just passed one more anniversary of the founding of the Christian Tree of Life School. It was on Aug. 29th, 16 years ago that the school was officially registered as an educational institution with the government. Each year, Aug. 29 has been a date we celebrate with the students to remember the schools founding….
God’s Presence Within The Clinic – June 2021
Audibly wheezing and in visible discomfort, the child entered through the clinic door in his mother’s arms. It was obvious that the mom’s purpose for this visit was to find relief for her struggling child. His oxygen level was low, his heart rate was high, and his lungs were struggling to fully fill with air…
Flooding Aftermath – March 2021
The men have been hard at work since the flooding in late November, getting the apartment for the domestic help livable, and the downstairs kitchen up and running again. Since the walls in the basement were damaged, and needed to be replaced or repaired, the layout of the boys quarters were changed…
Flooding at the Ranch – December 2020
It has been a wet year and the 2 hurricanes that passed through brought a lot more rain, causing the river to rise all around the Ranch. According to the locals, this is the highest the river has been in history! Within a week’s time we had close to 6 ft. of water in the woodshop, 39 inches in the chicken house and generator shed, 36 inches in the cow barn…
How has COVID affected the Tree of Life School in El Chal?.. Silence. That’s right. Silence. The playground usually full of laughter and arguments is now silent. The classrooms usually full of energy and learning are now silent. The yellow buses usually full of quiet children in the morning and noisy ones by midday, sit silently in the yard…
Imagine arriving at a clinic where the nurses are non-judgmental and treat you with the love and compassion of Christ. Perhaps you are burdened down with family stress, domestic abuse, or a difficult health diagnosis and a nurse takes the time to listen, to offer words of comfort, and then takes your hand and prays for you… would you go back?
End-of-Year Update – December 2018
The clinic project is in its final stages. As we start to see the end in sight it is rewarding to see the projects & people coming together to finish the new clinic facility. We are still planning on opening the new clinic in the first part of January 2019, Lord willing.
There are many ways that you can help us make a difference in the lives of the Guatemalan people. Meet our team and be a part by taking an interest in our lives and praying for us!
Intersecting Lines – December 2017
A point of intersection is a term in geometry to describe the point where two or more lines cross each other. The lines are called intersecting lines. So what does the Good Samaritan Clinic, The Tree of Life School, The La Anchura Boys Ranch, The El Chal Mission Base, and The Aviation Program have in common with a geometry term?
In Need Of A Father – August 2017
Father’s Day is now several weeks behind us, but I remain inspired and encouraged by the simple events that brought me my biggest ‘Aha’ moment in awhile. I will share some of these events so you can get a picture of what I am talking about.
Brushstrokes on the Canvas – January 2017
A Story lies behind every painting; A tale told by the artist through the colors and shapes he carefully fashions. Time, passion, light; all must somehow converge onto one canvas and bring understanding to the viewer.
Guatemalan society is accustomed to violence. With one of the highest violent crime rates in Central America, the possibility of being a victim is not unlikely. This fact can be attributed to multiple reasons. The thirty year civil war was a major factor, and had a devastating effect on the social fabric of communities. The prolonged conflict destroyed the social structure and accustomed generations to violence. The end of the war in the mid-nineties brought to a close much of the violence in Guatemala.
Once upon a time, when your grandfather was just a boy and before the world became as it is today, this story is told. There once lived, far away in a hot country where the forests are very thick and dark, and the rivers very swift and strong, a small band of intrepid explorers who braved great difficulties and greater fears in and effort to…
United we Blend – January 2016
We just came through the time of year when we celebrated the coming of the Christ-child and I was reminded again of his name, Emmanuel, which means the God who is with us. He has been with us and we trust him to guide us through this new year and continue to be with us, even until the end of the age. It is truly hard to believe the reality of everything that has transpired in my life in the last 5 months. I am amazed and humbled how God has literally led us; seemingly opening one door after another and showing us the way. He has given us a profound peace, undoubted protections and renewed purpose! A new year has dawned and with it a new era for the work in El Chal.
As we look over the past year, we can’t believe how God has blessed us. Through the people who we have been in contact with, those who have helped us with projects and those who have helped us financially. We wouldn’t be able to be at the place where we are today. We are so thankful for where God has brought us.
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